The Health Danger of Hunger

High blood pressure. Diabetes. Heart disease. Asthma. Depression.
These are just some of the serious and costly health problems that are associated with poverty and food insecurity.
That’s why United Way of Kankakee & Iroquois Counties is committed to creating opportunities for families to eat fresher, healthier foods on a budget.
From mobile food pantries to health education that helps families maximize their food budgets and cook healthy meals, we support healthy eating habits so people in under-resourced neighborhoods and across the region can have better health outcomes.

You Help Families Thrive

There are three ways to help impact the health of our community and help families thrive!

  1. Advocate: Join United Way in raising awareness of the lack of nutrition. Share facts on social media. Talk to your friends about it!

  2. Volunteer: Reach out to Center of Hope, a local client-choice food pantry, about volunteer opportunities. 

  3. Give: Make an impact on health by giving to United Way here.

Together, we can build a stronger, healthier community!
