Our Promise

We take our finances very seriously, and we pride ourselves on adhering to a stringent set of membership standards that focus on governance, ethics, financial management, and general operations. We believe in transparency and seek to provide as much information to our donors as possible, as demonstrated by our 2024 Gold Seal of Transparency with Candid.

We have a responsibility to our donors, partners, and the broader community to ensure that the dollars entrusted to us are invested in ways that will produce positive results for this community.

We also believe that setting standards for our local partners is critical in achieving our mission to fight for the health, education, and financial stability of all Kankakee and Iroquois County residents. Our agency allocations process and policies are volunteer-driven and rely on a rigorous application process. 

We want to maintain your respect and trust so that you, as a donor and neighbor, can have full confidence in us. That's why we've outlined a Bill of Rights, stating our responsibilities to you as a donor to United Way.

Click here to read our full Donor Bill of Rights.

For more information on our financials and impact, please review our most recent financial documents below.




2023 Annual Report

2022 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report



2023 Audit

2022 Audit

2021 Audit

2019 Audit

2018 Audit


FORM 990

2023 Form 990

2022 Form 990



Bylaws PDF



Conflict of Interest PDF



Code of Ethics PDF