Join the Fight to Shift the Odds
The impact of lacking a high-quality education can start early.
Kids who are not strong readers by third grade are less likely to graduate from high school. The consequences stack up from there. High school dropouts are more likely to be arrested, struggle to find employment and face health challenges.
But we can shift those odds.
Why We Fight
We fight so tomorrow's leaders can build a better foundation today. Education is not just about books for preschoolers or STEM classes for middle schoolers. It's not only about earning a high school degree or getting training for a better job. Our fight for the education of every person is about an approach to learning and building skills that spans from cradle to career. Every step of the way we're ensuring every child gets a strong start in life, teenagers have the tools to learn and grow, and young adults thrive in the job market.
We fight because every person in our community deserves to thrive.
How We Fight
We focus on lasting solutions that go beyond short-term charity. These are solutions that start now and continue for generations.
That means bringing together employers, workforce development experts, labor, youth development agencies and other nonprofits - along with community colleges, K-12 educators, higher education leaders and more - to help every young person create a successful pathway from school to career.
Helping individuals achieve their potential through education.
Our Vision: Education is a valued partnership between households, schools and non-school providers where individuals succeed in each of the following goals.
Our Goals
- Early Childhood Development (Birth through 5 years old): Children's health, physical, social, emotional, intellectual, language, and literacy skills are supported and developed to lay a strong foundation for a successful life.
- School Readiness & Success: Students successfully transition through school gaining the knowledge, skills and abilities they need for success.
- Post-High School Graduation Preparation & Career Readiness: Students graduate high school on time prepared for post-secondary education and/or training, work, and life.
Join the Fight
Help Improve the Lives of People in Our Community